Hurt No More Book Review
Reviews and Testimonies
Hurt No More Book Review:
Stop Hurting and Start Healing Today
Don't let another day of depression, hurting, sadness consume your life.

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Testimonies and Reviews
Hurt No More Book Review:
I am excited for Kelly's book to bring healing and hope to others. Many times we create in our own victories the keys that help others find what they are looking for. I pray for you to find what you need in these pages.
Danny Silk, Leader at Bethel Church, Redding, CA
President of Loving On Purpose, Inc.
Author of Culture of Honor
Another Hurt No More Book Review:
Kelly Ann Evers is knows from experience that just getting away from one s abuser doesn't stop the pain. Hurt No More is an excellent resource for women caught in abusive relationships. Evers talks straight with victims of abuse. She helps the reader call it what it is and identify when she's in an abusive relationship. There are practical checklists for preparing to leave safely, guided prayers that connect the reader with the protection and peace of God, and specific studies in the Bible to complete the journey to healing that is only started by the act of leaving. Get this book into the hands of any victimized woman. It very well could save her life.
Shelley Leith Co-Author, Character Makeover
--Shelley Leith Co-Author, Character Makeover
Another Hurt No More Book Review:
Hurt No More will be a wonderful help to those who have suffered from abuse. I highly recommend this book to you.
Dr. Mark Virkler Prayers That Heal the Heart
--Dr. Mark Virkler -- Prayers That Heal the Heart
Another Hurt No More Book Review:
Kelly is one of those people who touches your heart the moment she looks into your eyes. She truly sees you, which is an extraordinary gift in these quick paced times, and she takes the time to get to know you. I felt safe with her the very first time we met, and I found myself looking forward to seeing her again and again. Kelly enters into relationships and life -- without holding back. She is passionate and loving, sincere and overflowing with love. She is a woman of genuine beauty that radiates from the core of her being, and her presence alone can change the atmosphere of a room. Kelly's life and message is one of hope and life, she is a wonderful woman.
Tracy, CA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly has a tremendous heart for the broken, battered, and abused. Her compassion for hurting people and her desire to see them brought into wholeness is what compels her to act on their behalf. Kelly understands that it is the love of God and the power of His Son Jesus that is the ultimate key to unlock healing to people. I so appreciate her willingness to reach a mission field of people in desperate need of the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit.
-- Pastor Reggie, USA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly is a passionate, vivacious woman full of life. Her passion to help people, especially women, is so very genuine and contagious. Her warm smile and bubbly laugh are infectious and people can't help but warm up to her. She is a crusader for those that cannot always stand and fight for themselves. It is an honor and blessing to know her and to be able to call her a friend.
Jacklyn, CA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly Ann Evers is one of the most charming, warm, loving people you will ever meet! She has a true pastor's heart; she cares deeply for women and their welfare. As an abuse survivor herself, she is passionate about helping other abuse victims get the help and healing they need. Kelly is truly a woman after God's own heart. She has an incredible personal relationship with Jesus, and she draws her strength, wisdom, and inspiration from Him daily. Her humility, prayerfulness, and outstanding character make her an invaluable source of spiritual and practical help for anyone going through abuse. I am privileged to have her as a friend.
Mike and Norma Letinsky, Kingdom Partners, CA.
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
The prevalence of Domestic Violence in the United States and other countries is a subject that I encounter often as a Consumer Advocate and Health and Education Research Consultant. I am full of praise and respect for Kelly Ann Evers and her work as an advocate for victims of domestic abuse. Kelly is well-educated on all levels of domestic abuse, both academically and in the field, and her dedication to helping people is inspiring.
Diane B.
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
I have known Kelly for almost 7 years. In the time that I have known Kelly she has always had a heart for women to be healed, restored & know the deep love of Jesus. Kelly has a gift to get into woman's hearts and for them to trust her. Kelly is an encourager and always has words of wisdom when she ministers to a woman in need. Kelly has had many years of experience dealing with abused women and knows how to reach them. Many lives have been changed because of Kelly's heart & care for women in need.
Pastor Mary, Moorpark, CA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
I assure you, Kelly Ann Evers will be a household name in the not too distant future. She is one promising writer and advocate!
- MJ Wilcome UK.
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
"Your book is so amazing. It is like breakfast with the Lord. I am eating it up. When I have to deliberately put it down, I leave it feeling satisfied and wanting so much more. I am carrying your book with me everywhere I go!!"
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
"The vision for the book is brilliant because there is very little Christian material around that could even begin to help someone who has been hurt in this way and is hungry for God's comfort and restoration. The author is courageous in sharing her story."
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
I will finish reading this tonight... your writing feels like a letter from a closest friend, or soul sister... if there is such a thing! Amazingly, no matter how recent, or long ago we were hurt, no matter where we are at in our journey to complete healing and wholeness, there is always a new level of growth, healing, and wholeness to be experienced. Your writing is an inspiration and entices me to want more! Thank you dear friend!!"
Pam Murray
Founder of Surviving Domestic Violence
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
"Kelly is the kind of person that others confide in and bear their souls with. She is an exceptional listener, great encourager and defender of truth. Because of her ministry the broken find a place to heal, and the healed find a place to dream again. She really cares. She takes the time to care and that is a rare commodity these days."
Pastor Kim, Moorpark
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
"Dear Kelly, there is so much I could say about you and all that you are to me. One of the biggest things I want to share with others is how you heard from the Lord in my gravest hour of despair. I attempted to end my life a year and a half ago. I have suffered so much pain in my body; my marriage was a big stress at the time – life was too much for me and I decided to end my life. I honestly felt that taking my life would be a blessing to my husband, family and friends. It amazed me to see you, Kelly, standing next to me demanding that I open my car door; I thought I had picked a place that no one would find me. BUT God and you had something else in mind when He showed you where to find me, you saved my life and I am so grateful. My husband and the rest of my family are so very thankful too. I think you have a special gift from God and I can't even tell you how many times you have blessed me since -- I know you'll always be there for me. I love you my dear friend and guardian angel!! Much love to you, Anonymous."
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Who is Kelly? What do I know about Kelly? Kelly is a comforting hug. Kelly is not conditional. She has walked the road that she offers to walk with you. Her resource for helping, comforting, encouraging and guiding is life changing. Do you want someone whom you can lean on? She is a strong support. She is steadfast. She is trustworthy. She is a safe place for you to go to. She offers the best, because she is in touch with the best... Pam P from California.
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Hurt No More will be a wonderful help to those who have suffered from abuse. I highly recommend this book to you. Dr. Mark Virkler Prayers That Heal the Heart CWGMinistries dot org --Dr. Mark Virkler -- Prayers That Heal the Heart
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly is one of those people who touches your heart the moment she looks into your eyes. She truly sees you, which is an extraordinary gift in these quick paced times, and she takes the time to get to know you. I felt safe with her the very first time we met, and I found myself looking forward to seeing her again and again. Kelly enters into relationships and life -- without holding back. She is passionate and loving, sincere and overflowing with love. She is a woman of genuine beauty that radiates from the core of her being, and her presence alone can change the atmosphere of a room. Kelly's life and message is one of hope and life, she is a wonderful woman. Tracy, CA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly has a tremendous heart for the broken, battered, and abused. Her compassion for hurting people and her desire to see them brought into wholeness is what compels her to act on their behalf. Kelly understands that it is the love of God and the power of His Son Jesus that is the ultimate key to unlock healing to people. I so appreciate her willingness to reach a mission field of people in desperate need of the life-transforming power of the Holy Spirit.-- PR, USA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly is a passionate, vivacious woman full of life. Her passion to help people, especially women, is so very genuine and contagious. Her warm smile and bubbly laugh are infectious and people can't help but warm up to her. She is a crusader for those that cannot always stand and fight for themselves. It is an honor and blessing to know her and to be able to call her a friend. Jacklyn, CA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Kelly Ann Evers is one of the most charming, warm, loving people you will ever meet! She has a true pastor's heart; she cares deeply for women and their welfare. As an abuse survivor herself, she is passionate about helping other abuse victims get the help and healing they need. Kelly is truly a woman after God's own heart. She has an incredible personal relationship with Jesus, and she draws her strength, wisdom, and inspiration from Him daily. Her humility, prayerfulness, and outstanding character make her an invaluable source of spiritual and practical help for anyone going through abuse. I am privileged to have her as a friend.Mike and Norma Letinsky, Kingdom Partners, CA.
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
I have known Kelly for almost 7 years. In the time that I have known Kelly she has always had a heart for women to be healed, restored & know the deep love of Jesus. Kelly has a gift to get into woman's hearts and for them to trust her. Kelly is an encourager and always has words of wisdom when she ministers to a woman in need. Kelly has had many years of experience dealing with abused women and knows how to reach them. Many lives have been changed because of Kelly's heart & care for women in need. Mary, Moorpark, CA
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
I assure you, Kelly Ann Evers will be a household name in the not too distant future. She is one promising writer and advocate! - MJ Wilcome UK.
Another Hurt No More Book Review and Testimony:
Who is Kelly? What do I know about Kelly? Kelly is a comforting hug. Kelly is not conditional. She has walked the road that she offers to walk with you. Her resource for helping, comforting, encouraging and guiding is life changing. Do you want someone whom you can lean on? She is a strong support. She is steadfast. She is trustworthy. She is a safe place for you to go to. She offers the best, because she is in touch with the best... Pam P from California.

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