Help for Domestic Violence
Welcome to our help for domestic violence victim’s page! Here you will find a plethora of domestic violence resources, ideas, answers, and planning tools for all your needs. Please remember as you continue to read and research you’re not alone in this journey.

Don't give up,
we know you can do it!
You may feel overwhelmed at times (maybe all the time), but the more you know the greater the success you will have.
PLUS, we are here to help you.
Don't forget that we have many
women supporting women support groups
where you can find new friends that are in similar situations.
We Have Great Resources to Help You!
Help for Domestic Violence and Abuse Victims
Looking for legal help, shelters, programs, identity theft safety, computer safety, address confidentiality, and domestic abuse hotlines? Please see below. Plus we are always adding new helpful tools and solutions, so bookmark this page and check back periodically.
Identity Theft
The media is constantly warning us that Identity Theft is on the rise, that it can happen to anyone, and that it’s necessary for us to take serious precautions to protect our identity and our credit information. Victims and survivors of domestic abuse need to be even more cautious about protecting their personal information...
Computer Safety
THINK SAFETY - Use a safe computer. Computers offer us a wealth of help and information, but they can also be dangerous to victims of domestic violence. Abusers often monitor their victims’ phone calls, where they go, and their computer use. If you feel that they are monitoring you, they probably are...
How to Help a Victim of Domestic Violence
Many fear helping victims of abuse. They fear that they may get in the cross fire of the batterer. And yes, those fears are legit; however, not helping victims puts their lives and their children's life at risk. That is why we are here!
We are here to help you, guide you, and show you how to help without putting yourself as risk.
Important Questions to Ask the Victim
There are many important questions to ask the victim after a violent attack from their abusers. Click here to find questions to help domestic violence victims.
Safe at Home, Address Confidentiality Resources
The Safe at Home, Address Confidentiality Program assists crime victims (specifically victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, trafficking and stalking) who have relocated to avoid further abuse. It helps participants keep their home, work and/or school address secret by providing a substitute mailing address they can use instead. It also allows clients to register to vote and apply for a marriage licenses without creating public records...
National Women's Shelters
Our domestic violence shelter resources provides safe places for women and their children. Additionally, many provide court advocacy, referrals and comprehensive counseling programs, transitional housing, job placement and other resources for victims of domestic violence - women and children who have been physically, verbally, or emotionally abused...
California Women's Shelters
If you are looking for a California domestic violence shelter listing, we have over 100 shelters and resources that provide safe places for women and their children. Many California shelters provide court advocacy, referrals and comprehensive counseling programs, transitional housing, job placement and other resources for victims of domestic violence...
Signs of an Abusive Relationship
What are the signs of an abusive relationship? What are the warning signs of domestic violence? Am I being abused? Is this abuse?
To the average person, asking yourself "am I being abused?" or not knowing if you are being abused seems strange, but many people who are in abusive relationships have been experiencing some sort of abuse over a life time...
Domestic Abuse Hotline
Help is available to callers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Hotline advocates are available for victims and anyone calling on their behalf to provide crisis intervention, safety planning, information and referrals to agencies in all 50 states, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Assistance is available in English and Spanish with access to more than 170 languages through interpreter services. If you or someone you know is frightened about something in your relationship, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1−800−799−SAFE (7233) or TTY 1−800−787−3224.
Abusive Men: Batterer Intervention Program
The Batterer Intervention Program is a team based program to rehabilitate batterers. For more information with help for domestic violence batterers and victims please
contact Kelly.
International Abuse Help
Our International Abuse Help pages offers information and help for domestic violence in over 200 countries and in 80 languages and 1000's of resources. We have been working with women, leaders, pastors, rabbis, and lay leaders for over a decade, providing international national help, services, shelters, programs and resources. If you have international abuse help needs, we can help.
Please also see additional resources, tools, and help in our
about abusive relationships and understanding domestic violence
domestic violence safety plan
By the way, keep coming back we are always adding new pages to our site! For additional help for domestic violence please see our site map that gives you a complete directory of everything on this website.
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