Signs of Stress Managed Stress = Happier Life
Signs of Stress
Managed Stress = Happier Life
We all experience stress from one time to another, however if you are experiencing ongoing stress it can and may lead to health issues – some very serious. To determine your stress level, go to our
take a stress test
page to learn more.
Stress can come against us in many ways; just daily life can be stressful. Women who are suffering from the ill effects of abuse, stress can be even more severe. Knowledge is the first step in managing the stress; second is using the knowledge to reduce the stress and enjoy a happier life. With these few proven techniques and our helpful advice, it is possible to reduce your stress in half (and even more). First let’s look at signs of stress.
Physical Signs of Stress
- Headaches, migraines
- Stiff neck, neck pain
- Lower back pain, upper back or shoulder pain
- High blood pressure
- Stomach problems, upset stomach, vomiting, nausea
- Decreased appetite, loss of weight
- Increased appetite, weight gain
- Heart burn
- Sleep problems
- fatigue
- lethargy
Mental and Emotional Symptoms
- Sadness
- Depression
- Feeling out of control
- Forgetting things or events
- Intense feelings
- Can’t focus
- Want to give up
- Irritability, touchy, bad tempered
- Angry, outraged, outbursts of anger
- Emotions that don’t match the situation
Behavioral Symptoms
- Alcohol abuse
- Illegal drug abuse
- Prescription abuse
- Smoking or increased smoking
- Crying, fits, outbursts
- Overeating, under eating
- Isolation
- Relationship issues
- Increased shopping, overspending
Medical Issues Associated with Signs of Stress
- Heart Disease
- Heart Palpitations
- Indigestion
- Migraines
- Stomach or bowel issues
- Back or neck pain
- Depression
- Thoughts of suicide
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms you may be suffering from stress. The list above is not a complete list of all the signs of stress you may be experiencing. Please seek medical help to be diagnosed properly. If you feel your symptoms are interfering in your life or hurting your heath please don’t wait to be seen. Although it’s not entirely impossible to remove stress complete, it is possible to have manageable stress. To manage your stress you need to take a look at what is stressing you. The best way to do that is first recognize stressors then find healthier ways to deal with it. It really is easier than you think. Once you are at a place where the stress, symptoms and deteriorating health is not what you want in life the easier it is to remove the stressors. Please see
How Does Stress Affect Your Overall Health
– An Example of Mary’s Stress and Health
Stress management doesn’t need to be done alone. We have a
women's support group
that can help, also, if you are looking for a bit more help, our personal mentoring program
with Kelly
may be the answer. We have many programs to meet all financial needs. This page is not intended to replace medical care and proper diagnosis. Please seek proper medical care for correct diagnosis and treatment.
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