You Can Make a Difference in a Woman’s Life Today
Save a Life - Be a Hero!
There are many heroic acts we read about. These people are just like you and me who make a difference in someones life: saving someone from a burning building, helping a family with food, serving at a homeless shelter. Have you thought about doing a heroic act? What if you can be a hero in the time it takes to say, “I saved a life today.” Would you do it?
You can be a HERO today. By sharing this page with your favorite social media communities, you are: bringing awareness of Domestic Violence and Abuse; you are showing women and children they are not alone; you are letting them know there is hope; and you are showing them there is a way out of their situation.
It’s easy, it’s empowering, and it's a heroic act! If you you had to choose just 1 heroic act this year, let it be saving a woman and her child’s life!
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What if...
- What if you gave a woman hope to live?
- What if a child’s life was spared from abuse?
- What if you were the reason abuse ended in one home?
- What if a woman or a child’s life changed because of you?
- What if by you clicking the below you showed women
(who lives in terrifying abuse) that you cared – you may be the one who saves her life.
- What if that one quick click was what gave her the strength to get help.
Your click can make a difference. You can make a difference!
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Domestic Violence Statistics
- 1 out of 3 women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends every day.
- 1 out of 3 women have been abused, beaten, coerced into sex in her lifetime.
- 1 in 5 female high school students reports being physically and/or sexually abused by a dating partner.
- As many as 324,000 women each year experience intimate partner violence during their pregnancy.
- For more statistics please
click here.
Just one step,
one tweet, one Facebook, one "Like,"
one StumbleUpon, one Yahoo Buzz, and so forth,
will bring awareness,
awareness brings darkness (abuse) into light,
light brings hope,
and hope saves lives.
Understanding the Progression of Abuse
Abuse only gets worse with time. As years progress so does the violence. Today you may hear “just” some verbal abuse like “you idiot, don’t you know how to do anything right?” or maybe something more subtle like a disapproving look, or maybe a harsh judgmental glance.
But as years goes by, the abuse progressively gets worse. Many times it progresses into threats of murder, taking the children, having her put in jail, or destroying her career.
Unfortunately the abuser needs to remain in control of the victim, so s/he must continually progress to a new level of abuse to remain in control. Please see
Types of Violence and Abuse
for better understanding.
Once threats don’t assure the batterer that he is in control, he will begin hitting, chocking, slapping, and other forms of violence. If the woman is not saved from this level of abuse, the likelihood of this type of an abusive relationship can lead to death.

With just one small act of kindness you can take a stand against Domestic Violence and make a difference in their life by letting them know they are not alone and there is help.
Join me today in saving a life. Please share this with friends, family, co-workers, and organizations – because together we can make a difference in a woman’s and her child’s life!
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Would you be willing to take it one step further? Would you commit to sharing this through your social media for an entire month?
Our goal is to collect 1 million declarations. Would you be one of them?
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There are two ways to help. You can choose both or just one! Click the Social Bookmark at the bottom of this page and/or fill out this quick form that declares you've made a difference in a life today:
Declare to the World,
You've Made a Difference Today
The form below is where you declare "I've Made a Difference!" Would you like to share more? Share your "I've Made a Difference" story here. How does responding to helping save a life feel? What kind of impact has this made on you? On others? We would love to hear your experiences. Please share here! Your comments and experiences can be anonymous! You can choose to include your real name or use "anonymous." For victims of DV you can choose the "do not contact" section.
What Other Visitors Have Said
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page...
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For additional information about abuse please see:
Understanding Domestic Violence
Understanding Domestic Violence is crucial for anyone experiencing abuse. Whether you’re a victim, family, or friend, we are here to help you. The more you know, the easier it will be...
Domestic Violence Help Services
Our Domestic Violence Help services provide a wealth of tools, resources, support, goal planning, safety planning, referrals, spiritual support, personal mentoring support and pastoral support...
Domestic Violence Safety Plan
Creating your personal safety plan with our free Domestic Violence Safety Plan will get you on your way towards freedom. We have the answers, you’re not alone, and we are here to help...

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