The Abusive Relationship
Understanding Domestic Violence
Understanding the Abusive Relationship an Domestic Violence is crucial for anyone experiencing abuse. Whether you’re a victim, family, or friend, we are here to help you. The more you know, the easier it will be. Abusers come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They look no different than your next door neighbor, the local police officer, or your friend’s husband. They can be found at your place of worship, your favorite restaurant, or the grocery store. They may be your friendly bank manager, your hard-working plumber, your accountant, the helpful employee at your local hardware store, your gardener, or even your boss.
Abusers are not easy to spot. They have
the ability to be two different people. To
the outside world they often appear
to be kind, charming, loving, and caring. But when they are back in their homes, away from their public persona, they can be violent, aggressive, and tormenting to their loved ones.
There is no race, age, sexual orientation, gender, religious affiliation, educational background, or socioeconomic level that domestic abuse and domestic violence does not affect.
Anyone Can Be a Victim - ANYONE!
Anyone can be a victim of domestic abuse or domestic violence.
Domestic abuse and domestic violence does not happen by accident. It is not the result of drinking too much or doing drugs, nor is it the result of having too many problems in life, or being under a great deal of stress.

Domestic abuse and domestic violence is deliberately perpetrated by an abuser against a person or persons whom he or she wishes to control. By understanding domestic violence you gain the necessary knowledge you (and your children) need to be safe.
Abuse is Not Okay - EVER!
Domestic abuse and domestic violence are not okay. It shouldn’t happen to anyone. Ever! Unfortunately, it happens far too often. Whether you’re a victim, or a friend, family member, or co-worker of a victim, we are here to help you understand domestic violence and domestic abuse and your abusive relationship. The more you know about it, the easier it will be to actively seek assistance for yourself or people you care about.
If you feel you are in a victim of domestic violence, understand that His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ is here for you. We are dedicated to researching and providing you with the most up-to-date information to help you understand an abusive relationship and domestic violence signs, solutions, help services, statics, and facts.
For More Information about an Abusive Relationhip and Understanding Domestic Violence and Abuse Click Links Below:
Domestic Violence Definition
Domestic Violence Definition: refers to the abuser who uses physical force to injure the victim...
Domestic Abuse Definition: refers to the abuser who uses fear, intimidation or threats...
Types of Violence and Abuse
There are five different types of violence and abuse: physical, emotional, economic, spiritual, and sexual. Abuse and battering is about the need for power and control. It’s about domination over the victim...
Signs of an Abusive Relationship
To the average person, asking yourself "am I being abused?" or not knowing if you are being abused seems strange, but many people who are in abusive relationships have been experiencing some sort of abuse since early childhood. If you’ve been exposed to abusive behavior for years...
Are You Being Stalked?
Part of understanding domestic violence is understanding being stalked before and after you have left a domestic violence situation or abusive relationship. My friend Pam, at, has wonderful resources and helpful ideas for being stalked. Please click on the link above. Here is what she has to say about it: Are you being followed, monitored, or watched? This is an issue that you should take very seriously for the next several years. You are not safe just because you leave a domestic violence situation. Once you leave your abuser, your safety depends on you protecting yourself and your children. Pam also offers help with:
Home Security
because after you leave your domestic violence situation, home security inside and outside needs to be your top priority.
Domestic Violence Safety Plan
Click here if you need help with: Safety Planning, Living with an Abuser, Preparing to Leave, Creating a False Trail, Packing to Leave, Family Disaster Plan, Cautions for Leaving the Abuser.
Please see:
My Thought's on SBI (the video above)
My thoughts on products - AKA: Kelly's Picks
if you are interested in knowing my thoughts and opinions on products on this website. :).
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