How Abused Wives Leave Abusive Husbands
How to Leave Your Husband
About: How Abused Wives Leave Abusive Husbands:
Statistics show that 75% of women who leave their husbands wind up needing emergency medical care and 25% of women die trying to leave. Other studies show that 50% of women and children who leave an abuser become homeless.
Although these statistics are extremely high, that doesn’t mean we should stay with an abusive husband.
What those statistics doesn’t state is whether or not women actually prepared to leave. Did they have an escape plan? Did they prepare to leave? Or did they attempt to leave while the abuser was abusing them? Or did they wait during a calm phase to leave?
What were the circumstances of their leaving right at that moment?
The PlanFor abused wives to leave abusive relationships it is always best to have a plan, without one it can put them into dangerous situations. If you are ready to leave, start with the below to help you. There are a few things that are a must if you want to leave. The most important are income and a place to live. When abused wives have the security of financial resources and a place to live, it is much easier to leave.
Most women who leave their abusive husbands believe that their abusive husbands will provide financial support. I want to burst that thought. Most don’t. Your husband may earn a very large income, but most abusive husbands don’t support their families.
They are abusers; that’s what they do.
Knowing How to Leave Your Husband - The Right WayIf you prepare yourself knowing that you will have to support yourself all by yourself, you have a higher chance of succeeding. Then if your abuser does pay child and spousal support look at it as a bonus, but don’t depend on it. What Every Women Need to Know if She is Leaving- Please first see about earning an income. If you are in an
economically abusive relationships
this may hinder you, but with prayer God can open a door and show you cleaver ways to save money.
- This website and
another one I’ve built for you,
has ways to start earning an income. Please spend time looking through them and see if any of the ideas can help you. If you are not on a safe computer please see
computer safety tips
for more info.
- Go back to school and earn a degree so that you will have enough money to support yourself and your children.
- Decide on where you want to live (at least think about it and how you can support yourself and your children).
- Do you want to stay in a battered women’s shelter? They can help you get on your feet. This is what I did and it helped me so much. It was the best decision I made.
- Can you live with your parents for a while? Do you have a friend or family member who will rent a room to you?
- Begin to look into your city’s Social Service food and medical help. Those of course won’t be enough to fully support yourself and children but if you have family or friends who can support you until you have a job or start your own small business than you’ll have a better chance of getting away and staying away.
I know this is scary – more like terrifying. But I want to promise you, you can do this. You are capable. You have the strength to leave. I know you don’t feel like you can, but you really are strong enough to care for yourself and your children.
Your abuser has convinced you that you’ll never make it on your own. That is what he has told you so that you will stay. But I have some good news, that is just something he has said so that you will be fearful to leave. You don’t need to believe him.
If you are strong enough to live with an abuser than you are MORE THAN strong enough to make it on your own!
More Helpful Articles on Abused Wives and Leaving an Abusive Relationship:
More Tips on Leaving an Abusive Relationship
How to Create a False Trail
Escaping Economic Abuse
Help for Domestic Violence
Don't Let Your Abuser Steal: How to Stop Identity Theft
What You Need to Know About Mentally Abusive Relationships
Cautions for Leaving the Abuser
Let My Book "Hurt No More" Help You Heal!
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