Create a False Trail

Depending on the severity of the abuse, it may be important to create a false trail for the safety of you and your children. Abusers follow the trails of their victims’ phone calls, as well as their use of the internet. You may want to create a trail that leads the abuser to search for you in a city or state at least 100 to 200 miles away from where you want to relocate.  To do this: Contact hotels, the Chamber of Commerce, real estate agents, and schools far from where you plan to live. Leave a false trail that includes phone calls, paperwork, and internet use. Make sure you don’t leave a trail that leads to where you actually plan to go. P.S. Remember we have support groups and forums that can help you decide if you need to take these precautionary steps. See
women's support groups
for their friendly help, encouragement, and thoughts.
P.S.S. I'm sure this all feels overwhelming (to say the least), but I want to encourage you that you can do it. What you may not realize is that you are quite strong. Really. For you to survive what you've survived is quite miraculous -- to say the least :).
Think about all you've managed to survive. Think how you've cared for your children. Think how you've kept a job and cared for a home -- all while being abused. Listen to me loved one, you are very STRONG, and because of that, I know you will do fine.
How do I know? Because I know who I was and I see what I've done. I was the least likely person to achieve anything but a crappy life, but I pressed forward and decided I deserved more. And for that, look at what I'm doing now. I have helped over 1 million men, women and children get their lives back together. And I know you are one of them! I know it's scary, but trust me, you are strong enough. Would you do me a favor? Please let me know how you are doing. I really care.
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