Even if I Doubt God He Never Doubts Me
Even if I doubt God, He never doubts me. Even when my faith wavers, even when I doubt His goodness, God’s faithfulness endures.
Though I cannot grasp it and many times can’t see it, You love me unconditionally. I would have given up on me so long ago, but Your patience is steadfast, unwavering and unflinching. Though I cannot understand it, You’ll wait till eternity for me to come around.
Though I cannot see it, my future is a sure thing. You do know the plans You have for me, plans for good and not evil, plans for an awesome future. How I long for the day that I won’t doubt You or waver in my faith.
Oh how I long for the day that I will stand firm in knowing that my future is good. Yet even though I may doubt, I may waver and I may question I know that I know deep down inside of me You are so proud of me, I know you are cheering me on and I know that you love me so dearly regardless of the day I have. Thank you Lord!
P.S. I don't think any of us are exempted from doubting God. One thing I've noticed with myself and others is that when we expect God to come through for us in a certain way and He doesn't do it, we begin to doubt God on everything. Unfortunately, what we are doing is trying to be God instead of Him being God.
Trusting God, and not doubting, is allowing God to help us, guide us, and show us the right path for our lives -- even if we think we know a better way. To doubt God is saying you know better then Him. Yikes! It's kind of hard to think about, right? For me too. However, if you really are wanting to have the BEST life, ask God to show you the best plan for your life and trust that He sees and knows the best plans for you.
His word says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..." (Proverbs 3) And another one... "I know the Plans I have for you, plans for good and not evil..." (Jeremiah 29:11) God has a great plan for you, take a small step in trusting Him, I promise you will start experiencing joy once again!
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