The Impossible Made Possible
Taking God's Road to the Possible

When circumstances are overwhelming, we may think the impossible made possible can't happen. But God is the God of possibilities!
Do you daydream of having peaceful and restful days? Do you find yourself longing for relief from chaos and turmoil?
Do the terms: stress, hurried, exhausted and overwhelmed better describe your life?
Whether you are facing financial devastation, housing loss, joblessness, sicknesses, hopelessness, family issues, marital problems there is not one conflict that the Lord has not seen.
There is not one battle that you have faced this week, this month, this year that the Lord doesn't share with you. He is not only your partner in it, but is more concerned over it then we are. The Lord is more dedicated to seeing victory and more devoted to seeing our prayers answered then we are.
He declares, “I will not in any way fail you nor give you up nor leave you without support. I will not, I will not, I will not in any degree leave you helpless nor forsake you nor let you down or relax My hold on you. Assuredly not!”(Hebrews 13:5 AMP)
We may feel lost, fearful, hopeless, terrified of our current situations, but the Lord promises us that He will not leave us without support or fail us. So do not fear or be dismayed, because the Lord is already working on your behalf right now in that very situation!
Peace is waiting for you. The impossible made possible is yours; His peace is yours – grab a hold of it and don’t let it go!
Would you like some more encouraging words? Try our
Daily Affirmations
or our
Bible Verses for Encouragement
for a great uplift!
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