A Purposeful Life Journey

Are you ready to step into a purposeful life journey? Are you ready to walk towards your purposes? God has an amazing plan for you. He has prepared a fun and exciting purposeful life journey? Come, let us go up to the house of the Lord...that He may teach us His ways and that we may walk in His paths... Isaiah 2:3 Life is about the journey. We have a purpose, a God-given divine purpose to fulfill. God’s plan was never about us getting to our destiny quickly and being all He called us to be. His plan was for us to enjoy every part of the journey. It is to embrace the good times, the hard times, the tearful times, and the joyful times. It is about loving the life He has given us and to treasure every moment of it. The journey is about learning to love God, understand His ways, and learn to trust Him as we walk down the path towards our destiny.
When I look back at my life, I can see that everything that has happened to me, every step I have taken, each part of my journey towards my ultimate call has happened for a greater purpose. Every up and down, every laugh and tear, every step up and step back, every victory and failure had an ultimate purpose, His ultimate purpose of having a relationship with me!
As you live day by day on your path to destiny, remember it's not about getting to our destiny, but enjoying the journey on they way to your destiny.
So beloved friends, come let us go up to the house of the Lord and have Him teach us His ways, and walk on His paths! Let's enjoy an intimate relationship with the Lord!
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