I Will Never Let Go
A Love Letter from God
I will never let go. My grace is sufficient for you; it is My strength and love that has seen you through. It is my power that enables you to endure. The battle is not yours but it is Mine. I will fight for you; stand and see My salvation on your behalf. You are my treasure, my precious child; I will by no means allow anyone to harm you. Look to me, your author and finisher of your faith. I will carry you; I will never leave you or forsake you. When you go through the fire – you will not burn you. When you go through the water – you will not drown. When you are put in the fiery furnace, I will not send someone I will show up Myself! When you get to the Red Sea, I will divide the water. When you go through the desert, I will see to it you have a cloud by day and fire by night. I will cause ravens to bring you food. I will cause angels to guard you in all your ways. I will shield you with chariots of fire. I will raise up trees to shade you. I am above you to watch over you, beneath you to catch you, beside you as a Friend, behind you as a rear guard; in front of you to guide you and within you to comfort you. I AM the Lord God Almighty. I AM your El Shaddai. I AM your Comforter. I AM your High Tower. I AM your Shield. I AM your Mighty Deliverer. I AM your Lord, the One who loves you; who will never leave you or forsake you. You are Mine; I will never let go of you– ever! ~ God Have you tried one of our
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