One Month to Live
A Challenge to Live Life Without Regrets
What if you found out you only had one month to live, how would you spend the last 30 days of your life?
Strolling through aisles of books at the library I found a book that caught my attention. Grabbing the book I slid down to the floor and rested my back on one of the shelves. I pondered the title "One Month to Live." Skimming the pages I discovered that it wasn’t what I thought it would be about; no rather, it is about making wise choices about the days we do have, so we don’t live in regret.
Cozying myself between the aisles I sat there pondering my life. I discovered that I am not living life to its fullest. If I only had one month to live, I would live out the next 30 days differently; my life would drastically change!
Psalm 90:12 TLB says, “Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are help us to spend them as we should.”
We don’t know exactly how many years, months or days left on this earth. But what we do know through this verse is that are days are numbered and we should spend our days wisely. Every day is a gift from God and we should look at it as our most valuable possession.
Living as if we have just a month left to live can be life-changing, exciting even. Each of us has unique qualities, different passions, and exclusive giftings; and because we are so different, we should live out our life unique to the way God made us.
Living life with a one-month-motto would cause us to take each day and live it to the fullest. It would cause us to live life with an eternal perspective and it would cause us to live life wanting to leave a legacy behind.
Although some things we have no choice on where we spend our time, we each have precious minutes that are ours for our choosing.
If you had just one month to live how would your life change? What are 5 things that you would change about your life right now?
I challenge you to take this 30-day challenge and experience what it would be like to live life to the fullest, and enjoy the benefits of an abundant life and experiencing daily living without regrets.
Wouldn’t it be beautiful to know that if your time on earth was close to the end you would not look back on life with regrets?
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