Pray for My Face

by Mina

At one time I was beautiful. But now, my face is a mess. My ex-husband (well, soon to-be) beat me with a bat. Kelly found me a program for victims of domestic violence. The program is an amazing program that helps victims who have had facial injuries due to abusers; the surgeons do reconstruction surgery usually for free.

The doctor said I will never have my old face back, he will do all he can, but be willing to prepare for the worse.

My looks was all I had going for me (at least that's what I always thought). Now I am going to go through an unknown amount of horrible surgeries. And for what? still be ugly? I'm angry.

It's not fair. And he has gotten off scott-free. And I am wallowing in my sorrow.

I want to be free from this anger. It is only hurting me. He is off with another woman having the time of his life.

I am in horrible pain -- emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Please pray for my surgeries, my emotional state and spiritual state.

And pray for anything else you can see.


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