Tell Them I Love Them!
How We Started His Love Heals,
and Our Message to You
His Love Heals began when Jesus said to me, "Tell them I love them!"
Receiving God's Love
As victims of domestic violence we have a hard time accepting love from others. And many of us have a hard time receiving love from God and His Son, Jesus Christ. I certainly did. God knew I did, and He knows many of you reading this also struggle over receiving His love.
Often I would question God’s love for me, thinking to myself, “If you love me, Lord, then why did this happen to me? God, I am hurting.
I am all alone. I have no one. I cannot tell anyone. Are you there? Do you really care? If you care, please help me. I am so scared.”
Yes, Jesus Loves You!
It has been over a decade since the Lord helped me find the strength to leave my abusive ex-husband. I can honestly say that Jesus loves me and He loves you.
How do I know this? Because I have seen His love in many ways, it is my greatest desire to share with you who Jesus is to me. May I introduce you to Him?
I have come to know Jesus in these ways: My Jesus is loving and caring. He is compassionate and concerned. He defends and brings judgment. He never leaves you, abandons you, forsakes you, or allows you to feel helpless. He guides you, strengthens you, and supports you. He is your deliverer, rescuer, and your hope. He is your comforter and healer. He protects you, shelters you, and shields you.
He Sees Your Suffering
He weeps when you weep, grieves when you grieve, laughs when you laugh, and rejoices when you rejoice. He will wipe your tears Himself. He will not send someone to do it.
There is not one tear that is shed that He does not see, not one hurt that goes unnoticed by Him, no suffering that He misses. He sees the violence done to you, He knows the pain and suffering you have endured, and will not let the abuser off.
Just as I have come to know Jesus, He wants you to come to know Him too. He wants you to experience His compassionate concern over every detail of your life. And most of all, He wants you to know HE LOVES YOU!
May You Come to Know the Jesus I Know
May you, His beloved child, come to know the Jesus I know, may you experience His love for you in extraordinary ways, and may you be encouraged, inspired, and full of hope as we partner with you on this beautiful journey of healing.
In His Love,
Kelly Ann Evers
Founder, His Love Heals, the Domestic Violence Help™
His Love Heals, Domestic Violence Help™ is an organization dedicated to bringing healing and hope through the Word of God to women who are victims of abuse. Through Jesus’ love the battered and abused learn how to live free from abuse and become inspired, encouraged, and empowered to create the fulfilling and successful lives that they deserve.
Since that day the Lord said to share His love, the birth of Tell Them I Love Them™ card ministry began. Today, over 2000 hand-painted and store bought cards have been sent to homes, placed on cars, handed out in shopping centers to unknown men and women telling them He loves them.
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