Your Faith Has Made You Well, Part 2

“Daughter, your faith has made you well,
go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”
(Mark 5:25-34)

The woman with the issue of blood had twelve excruciating years of physicians treating her, taking all her money, yet not helping her and continually got worse. Additionally, according to the Jewish Law she was considered unclean because of the issue of blood, and therefore she was not allowed to enter into the city.

This woman experienced:

  • 12 years of hopeless reports;
  • 12 years of being cast out of fellowship with anyone
  • 12 years of financial devastation;
  • 12 years of being emotionally distraught;
  • 12 years of intense pain and suffering;
  • 12 years of relentless symptoms.

Yet something in her knew that Jesus was her hope. She knew she would be disobeying the law, she knew that she would be ostracized even in trouble with the Law, but hope out weighed the cost.

There was something she needed to do:
  • She had to press beyond medical reports;
  • She had to press beyond the symptoms that held her captive;
  • She had to press beyond the weakness and declining body;
  • She had to press beyond the loneliness;
  • She had to press beyond being pennilessness;
  • She had to press beyond the pain and suffering;
  • She had to press beyond seeing doctor after doctor who could not cure her and deemed her medically hopeless.
  • She had to press past doubt, fear, hopelessness, and unrest that tormented her mind.

In a moment of faith, she knew that Jesus was her hope, her only hope. With every ounce of strength, with every ounce of faith, with every ounce of hope she pressed through the crowd and kept saying to her self “If I could just touch the hem of His garment I will get well.”

  • It would have been so easy to doubt His healing power.
  • It would have been easy to fear what the crowd could do to her.
  • It would have been easy to know there wouldn’t be enough strength to catch up to Him. It would have been easy to say I am unclean I can’t touch Him.
  • It would have been easy to look at the doctor’s reports and the symptoms and say “this is hopeless.”

But she didn’t she pressed in and finally touched His garment and she was healed instantly. Jesus looked at her and said “Daughter, your faith has made you well, go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”

Whether you have been facing 12 years, 12 months or 12 days of an illness nothing is beyond the healing power of Jesus.
His healing is for you today, this very minute!

Press in, press on, press forward because Jesus is waiting for you there -- and your faith will make you well!

Don't forget to read, Your Faith Has Made You Well, Part 1.

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