Your Faith Has Made You Well!
Where is your faith? Have you lost it? Are you ready to have great faith?
Jesus said, “Daughter your faith has made you well….” (Mark 5:34)
This is a woman who fights for her life – never giving up, even financially devastated and incurable she keeps fighting. She has a faith that is aggressively fighting to be healed. What a strong woman! <,br>
I could see her in my minds eye: so weak and frail from being anemic, pale white, crawling or scooting along the floor from room to room. Never knowing if she would make it another day.
But that doesn’t stop her. But one day she hears the reports of Jesus’ healings, hope rises up in her, faith rises up, today is her day, she thinks to herself! This is her day to rise up and walk healed and healthy.
But for her to take the trip, the long journey from her residence to where Jesus might be will be the most difficult journey she endures. But that doesn’t stop her. To just get dressed and showered for the day is enough to take every last energy in her.
But it doesn’t stop her. As she is dressed and out the door she stops only to ask, “Where is Jesus? Have you heard about Him? He is going to heal me today.”
Walking through the streets asking people along the way, “which way did He go?” Exhausted already from the journey, ready to pass out, but not ready to give up she presses on in faith.
Finally she sees a crowd she knows it’s Him. She knows if she can just press through these people and just touch the hem of His garment she will be well.
But the crowd tightly presses in on all sides of Jesus – all wanting to see Him, all wanting to be healed, all wanting to hear Him, but this woman has more, she has a faith that aggressively moves the people aside so she can get closer.
Closer and closer she gets,
she keeps saying to herself “if I can just touch the hem of His garment, I will be healed.”
No longer is the pain and suffering holding her back, no longer is her frail state hindering her, she has one goal, that is to be healed. With every last ounce of energy pressing through the crowd she touched Him, a mere touch of His garment and the healing power comes on her and she is healed.
In that moment, Jesus feeling the healing power has gone out of Him, He asks “who touched Me?” The woman realizing what happened falls to His feet and tells Him what she did. Jesus in all His love, in all His tenderness and with great joy says to her,
“daughter your faith has made you well go in peace,you have been healed.”It is her faith that makes her well. We may be in a season of devastating hardships that is causing our faith to waiver, causing hope to be exhausted, and weariness to cause us to give up.
But like the woman with the issues of blood, her faith in God’s healing power is what drove her to great lengths to be healed. So many issues could have got in the way – but they didn’t –
she fought for what she wanted!Have you been coping with an ailment that has overwhelmed you? How is your faith? Are you ready to fight for your victory? Are you ready to go to great lengths to see it come to pass?
Sometimes it is easier to believe for other peoples healing and victory rather then our own. Sometimes we have convinced our self that we will never see victory that, and we just accept where we are at. But it doesn’t have to be that way! We can stand up and fight for victory and healing.
So if you are ready, pray with me:
Lord Jesus, I so long to have that kind of fighting power in me. Lord I so desperately need to see victory in this situation. I am reaching out to the hem of your garment. Come Lord, come and heal me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Your Faith Has Made You Well, Part 2.
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